Wednesday, November 17, 2010


this semester
thus far
has been a great learning and growing experience for me.
i have been challenged in ways i would have never wished.
but i have found confidence in ways that only He could validate.
more than anything i have learned
to a much greater depth
who He is.
and who i am.
and there is this question that He has been asking.
do you trust me?
and this has been the most vivid question that i've heard
since the day i stepped off the plane in tel aviv.
i can answer that question, by the way,
immediately in the affirmative.

one thing that i have struggled with is this issue of adequacy.
knowledge. capacity. understanding.
i'm not a genius. i know this.
[even though jim isom still rings in my head, "your genius lies in your calling."]
but what do i know?
and how do i know it?
the how- so much more than the what- clings to my identity as the most vital thing that i could possess.
Jesus Christ, who lived as a man and as the very representation of the Father- He died and rose again to life through the power of the Holy Spirit.
and because of this free gift of atonement through the blood of Jesus, we are offered justification through faith in Him.
and only because of the justifying work of Jesus on the cross, we have the Spirit who dwells with us for our sanctification

romans 5.1,9,16,18
1 peter 1.2
hebrews 10.14

and i'm not unsure.
i don't know everything. and i never will.
but what i must know, i know.

His love.

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