Wednesday, March 27, 2013


[artist: jackson pollack: 1912-1956]

day 7
God rested.
God stepped into His control center.
His rest
was not intended to set a pattern for
laziness and disengagement.
this was when He stepped into orchestrating what He had put in place,
fully engaged,
still delighted in what He had made good,
active in propelling things forward.

what should a day of rest look like for us? 
a time each week when we
assess what we have in front us
refocus our attitudes,
redefine goals,
determine strategies,
such that we too can say
it is good.

the pattern of rest that God established for us
is a change of pace,
yet one that is just as essential to our kingdom work
as the other 6 days.

an artist who sits within her work for weeks at a time,
never stepping back to ensure that the greater goal is being achieved
makes worthless art.

beauty is the product of an examined life.
use day 7 the way He did.
grow your relationships.
be active in setting and accomplishing goals.
know your Savior.
always move forward
for His glory
and for your good.

1 comment:

  1. Well since you put it so eloquently I will. A good reminder of setting aside a day of rest.
