Tuesday, October 26, 2010


we watched the team hoyt video in class this morning
following the testimony of Mike Haley from Focus on the Family, a man who God has drawn out of a homosexual lifestyle.
as the father and son team, team hoyt crossed the finish line of an iron man contest and it was such a picture of a father's love
and i remember rod saying a year or so ago after we watched this video together in church, "if you don't realize that you are just as helpless as that son, you don't know who your Father is."
and i find myself needing to ask that question.
and realizing that i don't trust Him in the way that He is so worthy to be trusted,
that he indeed IS sovereign and not just sovereign for the sake of sovereignty, but He's lovingly sovereign in such an involved way that will never compare to any other relationship.
but do i believe that He works all things for His good, for our good?
i want to

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