Wednesday, February 9, 2011


there are so many who have taught me
many who have shown me what the word means.
the smallest details that no one but me would necessarily value.
a friend who speaks kind words
such that i come close to tears later that night
a friend who asks just to talk
and who doesn't let me pay.
and friend who isn't concerned that i make mistakes.
and those friends who, so committed to their wives, can still care about me
and treat me in every interaction like as if they can see the hope in my future.
friends who teach and teach and teach
men who are men
only because they are committed to Jesus.
they listen.
they ask questions.
they help me to answer
and they give such wonderful advice.
men who are a big deal
yet they know what's going on in my life.

thank you for a kind word spoken
thank you for a moment taken to ask how i am
thank you for showing me what can be
thank you for the sacrifices you have made to love others well
thank you for the ways that you have safeguarded and worked to love your wives and children
thank you for setting a standard.

thank you for gently caring for your little boy who is so sick.
thank you for admitting to your wife that you made a mistake, for saying you're sorry.
thank you for picking up that girlfriend of yours for that special date...even though she lives far away.
thank you for loving your wife through that challenging pregnancy.
thank you for quitting your job to take care of her as she struggles for life at the end.
thank you for working so hard to understand why she's hurting.
thank you for making time for her.
thank you for communicating your frustrations rather than choosing passivity.
thank you for being so committed to your marriage.
thank you for taking that precious little girl to the daddy daughter dance because it meant so much to her.
thank you for showing me so boldly what "man" means.

i've been so blessed by so many of you.
thank you for being like Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. so blessed to have men of humility and exemplify Jesus in every way in our lives.
