Friday, April 8, 2011


i haven't written here for a while.
and this isn't because i have nothing to say
in fact, one might interject on my behalf that it is because i have too much to say.
starting with the weekend trip at ETS 2 weeks ago
so glad that katie went as well, and that mat was so willing to explain, discuss, question. it was heavy, fruitful, shaping...
and i've been so very busy with classes and classwork.
i'm still loving it. i know that a year from now i will not miss the work, but i will always long for this learning.
i bought a car, picking it up today. a payment plan and a blessing actually.
i started a job, at a greenhouse. i've never been more excited to work with plants and dirt and people even if that means that i'm standing and walking for hours every day.
and i'm applying to bethany christian services for an internship.
i LOVE thursday nights and our little community that gathers for the truth project. kris and em, katie, jay, kristi, leslie, crystal, y yo.
addi's fancy nancy bday party, people having babies, weddings, gardens, sunshine... sister is getting married this summer. CAN'T WAIT for that party :)

so there's a quick blurb. joy.

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