Friday, June 1, 2012


i heard a song on the radio today
"turn around" by matt mahr
and in it he says, "if you're looking for a savior, all you gotta do is turn around"
this got me thinking
about crossroads, and how rod loves to preach from hebrew concepts
i thought of this especially yesterday when i heard his voice over skype with libby
because he's in israel...*sigh*
teshuva is the hebrew idea of making a complete 180-degree turn and looking from my own self-made itinerary, to God's
the word technically means "return" and the idea points to a complete repentance
in their june first entries, charles cowman [streams in the desert] and sarah young [jesus calling] seem to echo eachother
and these seeming coincidences capture my attention
and for whatever reason this has been the common way that the Lord will draw my eyes back to Himself, reminding me of His loving leadership, my adequacy only because of His, my hope because of the power of His Spirit that is in me.
cowman quotes spurgeon when he says,
"thou art on board a vessel which thou could not steer even if the great Captain put thee at the helm, of which thou could not so much as reef a sail, yet thou worriest as if thou wert captain and helmsman. oh, be quiet; God is Master!"
young writes,
"stay conscious of [God] as you go through this day, remembering that [He] never leave[s] your side...thus the light of [His] presence shines on you, giving you Peace and Joy that circumstances cannot touch."

now to Him who is able...

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