forgive me, whoever you are
because i can't remember exactly which face it was that i was talking with,
but what you said resonated with me, very much.
i am blessed beyond measure
running 100 miles and hour
doing great things
learning great things
spending time with the most wonderful of people
and all the while He is rest in busyness
but if i am honest, and i strive to be increasingly so
i do not experience such rest
and i am the only one to blame really
i don't take time to rest;
this may be one reason why i dread sunday nights so much
but this also just may be His way of forcing me to stop,
listen, reflect, read, meditate on His words, cry, laugh, write,
or simple things that i would not otherwise take the time for-
watching football with dad, tearing coupons (anticipating all of the products that i might need to buy in the next days)
and this may also be why He has handed to me a genuine blessing in the form of income
where i have hours upon hours to myself,
to listen to francis chan speak of His grace, grace grace, grace grace grace, and grace grace grace grace (you can listen for yourself if you'd like)
He knows what i need before i ask
or if i never ask
matthew 6.8
isaiah 65.1-2
always in the eye of the storm
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