Wednesday, March 21, 2012


last week was an amazing week,
with a dear friend.
God proved Himself faithful
with an abundance of laughter and rich conversation.
also, the sun joined us.
and i felt honored in so many ways.
and now
with these 1200 miles
God asks for open hands
and childlike trust
and i see that this won't be easy,
but necessary.

in the psalms
david is consistent in his dialogue
with "my King and my God"
and it is a beautiful example
and a challenge
to persist in such communication myself.
because God is the faithful one. 
so often the writers of the Bible command God's people to
remember remember remember
His faithfulness

because this is our confidence and our hope.

"but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son.
and we are his house
if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope."
[hebrews 3.6]

and april 26 could not come quickly enough. 

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